Getting Clear on Why to Write a Book

It’s time to start writing now. I’ve completed my first draft outline, and I started writing over the weekend.
I started with the Preface, or maybe it’s the Prologue. Not sure which yet. When I wrote my first book I had both.
In that book, the Preface was an introductory page or two about my purpose in writing the book and the Prologue was a personal story about how a PhD Chemical Engineer who managed engineering software systems came about to writing a book about human spirituality.
So, that’s where I am right now, thinking about how to set up the context for why a former corporate software development manager is writing a book for coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, and professional service providers about how to go about building their online business systems in systematic way.
Here is a quick summary:
While I was working at NASA in my day job, on the side in my spare time I became an author and a Certified High Performance Coach™ and so I became interested in how I could do that as a business. Could I make a new career coaching, speaking, and training people online about the concepts in my book after retirement from corporate life?
My 30+ years of experience had mostly to do with visioning, creating, and managing the development of software systems.
I had little previous experience with the marketing and sales part of business, and the experience I did have was in the early days of the internet in the early 2000s.
So I invested many thousands of dollars and thousands of hours in “Internet Marketing Grad School” but I still found it a struggle to figure out how to actually implement what I was being taught by my many, very capable and successful mentors. How could I fit all the pieces together to make a coherent business that worked? It was like trying to put together a 500 piece puzzle without the box-top picture. Very Frustrating!
Then, before I was ready, my external circumstances changed, and I no longer had a day job at my employer. I needed a proven way to move into an online business model quickly.
I needed a roadmap or blueprint that I could use to implement my online systems quickly and systematically. I found that I still needed to discover that for myself. It wasn't quick and it wasn't systematic.
Eventually I discovered that there is a systematic way to build an online business platform that I can teach to others.
That is why I’m writing this book – to accelerate your journey to achieving online success in your business by giving you a systematic way to do it.
Let’s get this process down to a few weeks and months, not years! That’s why I’m writing this book for you.
To your online success!
PS. If you want to get started now learning about my system, you can start here: Accelerate Your Online Success.